All works by Claudia Lam


Welcome to The Forest Mori’s online portfolio.

Illustratior for ‘I Want To Be Spaghetti!’.

Illustrator for ‘I Want To Be Spaghetti!

Book launch event at Paper Bird.

Book launch event at Paper Bird.

Hungry Kappa - Collaboration with Makeship

Hungry Kappa Plush - Collaboration with Makeship

Hungry Kappa Plush - Collaboration with Makeship

Hungry Kappa Plush - Collaboration with Makeship

Confident Mountain - for a group show called 'Symbiosis' exhibited at Perth's City Art Space.

Confident Mountain - for a group show called 'Symbiosis' exhibited at Perth's City Art Space.

Mutually - for a group show called 'Symbiosis' exhibited at Perth's City Art Space.

Mutually - for a group show called 'Symbiosis' exhibited at Perth's City Art Space.

Master Shan - for a group show called 'Symbiosis' exhibited at Perth's City Art Space.

Master Shan - for a group show called 'Symbiosis' exhibited at Perth's City Art Space.

Logo illustration for Joint - A cafe in Wanchai, Hong Kong

Logo illustration for Joint - A cafe in Wanchai, Hong Kong

Logo illustration for Joint - A cafe in Wanchai, Hong Kong

Logo illustration for Joint - A cafe in Wanchai, Hong Kong

GIPHY Artist - Animated GIFs available to use by the public on various social media platforms including Instagram & Snapchat.

GIPHY Artist - Animated GIFs available to use by the public on various social media platforms including Instagram & Snapchat.

Clay Day Workshop - 3 hour workshop on polymer clay pin making.

Clay Day Workshop - 3 hour workshop on polymer clay pin making.

Clay Day Workshop - 3 hour workshop on polymer clay pin making.

Clay Day Workshop - 3 hour workshop on polymer clay pin making.

Customised packaging tissue design - Collaboration with Noissue

Customised packaging tissue design - Collaboration with Noissue

T-shirt and Tote Bag design - Collaboration with People of Design (P.O.D)

T-shirt and Tote Bag design - Collaboration with People of Design (P.O.D)

Customised thank you cards - Collaboration with Noissue

Customised thank you cards - Collaboration with Noissue

Collaboration work for People of Design (P.O.D)

Collaboration work for People of Design (P.O.D)

Interview with Noissue about my brand story

Interview with Noissue about my brand story

Collaboration work with Tishwish to design sustainable packaging.

Collaboration work with Tishwish to design sustainable packaging.

Collaboration with Tishwish to design sustainable packaging goods.

Collaboration with Tishwish to design sustainable packaging goods.

Collaboration piece with Wacom AU

Collaboration piece with Wacom AU

Collaboration piece with Wacom AU

Collaboration piece with Wacom AU

Collaboration work with Tishwish to design sustainable packaging.

Collaboration piece with Cricut ANZ - glaze effect made with Cricut Maker

Collaboration piece with Cricut ANZ - glaze effect made with Cricut Maker

Collaboration with Cricut ANZ - exclusive glazing tutorial available to watch on Cricut ANZ official Youtube channel.